The Tutoring for All Project (ongoing since April 2021)
In the Tutoring for All project, we work on the development of a digitally supported tutoring programme to improve reading among primary school children. It is an adaptation of the tried-and-tested "Tutoring with the Lightning Squad" programme from the US Success for All Foundation. We adapt it for use in German and in the cultural context of schools in Germany.
The tutoring programme is called "Lesen mit dem Turbo-Team" (Reading with the Turbo Team). Support in the programme is provided by specially qualified tutors. They work in presence with small groups (four children). One of the advantages of the programme is that it is very easy, quick and inexpensive to implement.
The project was funded by Universität Hamburg's ExStra Fund in 2021. In 2022 and 2023, the project was funded as part of the "Innovation Programme Business Models and Pioneering Solutions IGP" of the Federal Ministry of Economics (now: Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection).
Together with Tutoring for All gUG and the language training NGO InSL e.V. Friedrichsdorf, we are working on further developing and reviewing the quality of the programme. You can follow the development of the programme on the website