Why Tutoring?
Tutoring is more than just helping with homework. It refers to the targeted, systematic provision of support to individual pupils outside of regular classes. This support is provided by specially qualified tutors who apply an academically sound educational concept. In our approach, support is provided in close collaboration with the children’s schools and teachers. Tutors also maintain contact with parents. They constitute a bridge between the family and school, working on behalf of the children.
Many scientific studies have shown that this sophisticated concept of tutoring is a highly effective way of helping disadvantaged children and adolescents, in particular. When specially qualified tutors deliver well-designed tutoring programs in small, stable groups, they can achieve excellent results at a justifiable cost. Studies have found that tutored children show significantly greater progress in reading and mathematics after half a year than a control group.
Unlike mentoring, tutoring is designed to assist with the acquisition of specific academic skills. Mentoring is a more indirect approach intended to impart attitudes and behaviors that support academic achievement and commitment to school in general.